Engineering student with demonstrated record of technical work in physics, math, and engineering, as well as a passion for persuasive communication in representative roles. Comfortable adapting quickly, learning new skills, and working under a high-pressure environment through face-to-face and engineering roles.
December 2020
North Carolina State University (NCSU), Raleigh, NC
Masters in Materials Science & Engineering | Dean’s Doctoral Fellow – 3.60
May 2018
North Carolina State University (NCSU), Raleigh, NC
B.S. in Physics; B.S. in Applied Mathematics; GPA – 3.56
Minor: International Studies | Goodnight Scholars Program
Technical Skills
Computer Languages: Python, MATLAB, AutoCAD, NI LabVIEW, C++
Equipment: Drill Press, Band Saw, Glove Boxes, Vacuum Chambers, Digitalis Planetarium Projectors
Lab Techniques: Soldering, Spin-Coating, Ultra-high Vacuum Seals, Water Cooling Systems, Annealing
Lab Science & Engineering Research Experience
June 2018-Present
Solar Powered Device Building, NCSU Materials Science & Engineering (Raleigh, NC)
- Built solar power devices by making organic solar cells with bulk heterojunction active layers
- Laboratory training in safety procedures, clean up procedure, and contamination avoidance
- Device fabrication including spin coating, pipetting, annealing, and vacuum/glove box use
August 2017-March 2018
Sustainable Laboratory Senior Design Project, University Honors Program (Raleigh, NC)
- Collaborated with a group of three to design a device that produced contained, intense blue light (5 W/cm2).
- Coded model to predict light distribution across sample space.
- Purchased, designed, machined, soldered, and built device on $300 budget and 12-week timeline.
- Considered sustainability throughout design to make best use of electricity, water, and materials.
May 2017-August 2017
Materials and Physics Research Intern, Penn State University (State College, PA)
- Designed LabVIEW system that integrates lab equipment, takes measurements, saves data, and presents it.
- Studied electronic and spin-related properties of two-dimensional superconductors.
- Orchestrated social events for ~40 students and sent weekly update emails.
January 2017-February 2017Computational Complex Materials Lab Intern, NCSU Physics (Raleigh, NC)
- Analyzed complex materials out of equilibrium with computer tools in Dr. Lex Kemper’s lab.
- Studied solid state physics and basics of electronic-structure/energy calculations
- Used computational tools such as Quantum ESPRESSO as well as basic coding in python.
May 2015-March 2016Nanoscale Tribology Lab Research Assistant, NCSU Physics (Raleigh, NC)
- Tested frequency response in quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) sensors due to surface laser irradiation.
- Developed equations to predict stress levels and frequency shift in QCM due to laser irradiation
- Constructed vacuum chambers for experiments under Ultra High Vacuum conditions
- Presented results during a 10-minute talk at the national 2016 APS March Meeting, as well as other conferences
- Published “Simultaneous Stress and Mass Change Measurements Arising from Laser Induced Detuning of a Quartz Crystal Microbalance” in Journal of Applied Physics (2018)
Leadership in Communication Experience
March 2018-Present
Congressional Meetings Student Delegate, (Washington DC)
- One of 5 students to represent the Society of Physics Students during meetings with Congress members
- Lead meetings related to immigration, science education, energy, and funding
- Wrote an article for students interested in science policy for Journal of Undergraduate Reports in Physics
- Representing NC State University graduate students during Legislative Action Days
- Organized meetings with 12 congressional offices to discuss legislation that affects graduate students
- Trained at Fall Advocacy Summit to engage on all levels about science and how it is applied
- Legislative Action and Student Advocacy Committee – State and Local Correspondent
- Organizing a visitation day to NC state government for students to share their own stories and priorities
- Writing monthly update on local and state level policy that can affect graduate students
September 2017-July 2018
Alumni & Donor Relations Intern, NCSU College of Sciences (Raleigh, NC)
- Speeches for 200+ guests at Donor Dinners and Awards Ceremony
- Liaison for Astronaut visit, keeping her visit on schedule and facilitating Sciences and Engineering events
- Reaching out to potential event speakers for NC State’s College of Sciences
- Engaging with our alumni and donor base, as well as running events for the College of Sciences
April 2015-May 2018
College of Sciences Ambassador, NCSU College of Sciences (Raleigh, NC)
- Run events for students, university speakers, alumni, faculty, staff, parents, and visitors of the university
- Inform current and potential students of what is involved with different majors and where their skills might best fit
- Conduct tours for the university and engage potential students with information on opportunities and people
- Trained to be adaptable to different people’s needs as well as incorporate inclusivity and relevancy into dialogue
Low Earth Orbit Projects
October 2018-Present
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space – CubeSat Project
Collaborating with team of undergraduate and graduate students to design, build, and integrate a CubeSat for low Earth orbit. This mini-satellite will be planned and completed over a 5 month span. Also creating a new website for the team.
September 2012-April 2014
NASA HUNCH Shape Memory Alloy Peristaltic Pump Mechanism Project
Built a pump system to move fluids in microgravity inspired by the mechanisms of the human throat to move liquid. Made use Nitinol’s properties as a metal alloy that changes shape with temperature to control movement within the pump. Wrote safety and user manual. Tested its effectiveness on the reduced-gravity aircraft.
August 2018Dean’s Doctoral Fellowship
Spring 2018
Dean’s List
November 2017
Student Excellence Award from NC State College of Sciences
Fall 2017
Dean’s List
Fall 2017
Outstanding Chapter Award from American Institute of Physics, Society of Physics Students
April 2017
Most Outstanding Woman Award from NC State Panhellenic Association
Fall 2016
Dean’s List
April 2016
Most Goodnight Scholars Event Hours
Fall 2015
Dean’s List
October 2015
3rd in Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest of all NC State University competitors
Spring 2015
Physics Honors Society; Sigma Pi Sigma
Fall 2014
Dean’s List
August 2014
Goodnight Scholar
August 2014
Thomas A. Hill Award
August 2014
Chancellors Award
May 2014
National Merit Scholar